Title Goes Here: Foreword – Riddled with Arrows 1.4

Winter Solstice, 2017

Issue 1.4 of Riddled with Arrows, “Feasts and Families”,  is a special one: it is a gift, quite literally, made possible by the generosity of our friends in the literary community.  It is the culmination of our first year of existence.  It is the epitome of indulgence, a celebration of our gluttonous love of food both real and metaphorical.  And yet, it has darker corners within the din; a moment’s sober (or not so sober) reflection on times and people passed, innocence lost.  It is a return to the heart of who we are and what we do, family and survival—things which for some of us are synonymous, some anathema, and some, both. 

In its purest essence, though, this issue is a Solstice rite, a sparkling platter of images and words offered up for your hungry eyes, a reflection of the bounty of the heavens on this, the longest night.  Please, bless us with your company.  Partake of our feast.  Let us fill you, warm you, set you alight.

[Sotto voce] A warning, though, before your sit down: our family of poems and prose can be a bit much.  Each piece is a mouthful—some bitter, some sweet.  You might have to chew on one a while; another, you might need to read with both hands, and suck on until you taste marrow.  But no matter how much you consume, no matter how often you double-dip or drool, you’ll always be invited back.  This is a feast to feed the soul, and yours looks thin. 

We hope you brought an appetite.


–> Shannon Connor Winward


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