Riddled with Arrows Issue 4.1:Table of Contents

“Message in a Bottle”

Writing From Isolation

Cover Art 

uncontained Amanda Yskamp

Passenger Manifest
(Full Contributors’ Bios & links)

Dead-Letters from the Editor
Shannon Connor Winward

Foreword / Alone on Meta Island (Intro)  / Wait, What?
Shannon Connor Winward

Fashion a Weapon / Fear

The Hand Arpa Mukhopadhyay (Art)
The Last Dangerous Vision 
Glen Engel-Cox (Fiction)
Narrative in orders of magnitude  Samara Powers (Poem)  
Typographical Error 
John Kaprielian (Poem)
The Narraive Self Randall Hayes (Creative Non-Fiction)

Wreckage / Grief

Hold Tight Karen Boissonneault-Gauthier (Art)
Karen Greenbaum-Maya (Poem)
Margot Jane C. Miller (Poem)
Resuscitate, Susan G. Duncan (Poem)
Layers, She Wrote Rhonda Eikamp (Fiction)
Buried Treasure: Customer Copy
Casey McCarty (Fiction)

Scavenge / Hunger

when the self J.I. Kleinberg
(Art / Poem)
Getting It Down on Paper 
Pamela Ahlen (Poem)
Big Butt Buffy Shutt (Poem)
Letters Home: Ovid in Exile 
David Barber (Fiction)
So I Howl Brian Rihlmann (Poem)
Buried Treasure: Ipse 
Juleigh Howard-Hobson (Poem/Prose)

Shelter / Triage

Literature John C. Mannone (Art / Poem)
Today’s Pandemic Writing Exercise 
Micki Blenkush (Poem)
Kiss the Bottle Gretchen Tessmer (Poem)
A Fiction Writer’s Progress Lita Kurth (Fiction)
Buried Treasure: Prestonia Daniel Galef (Fiction)



Scan the Horizon / Stagnation

I write in my head Christina Sng (Art)
Journaling in the Psych Ward 
Becky Nicole James (Creative Non-Fiction)
What Wants to Come 
Laurinda Lind (Poem)
The Assault on My Imagination 
Sandra Morris (Creative Non-Fiction)
Pigeonhole S P Mount (Fiction)

Explore the Caves / Transformation

From the Lighthouse
Karen Boissonneault-Gauthier (Art)
The Lockdown Last Spring 
Richard LeDue (Poem)
The Writing Laid Down Like Steps of Stone 
Guy Biederman (Poem)
The Last Lois Roma-Deeley (Poem)
Brainstorm Laurinda Lind (Poem)
Jabberwocky in the Time of Pandemic 
Pamela Ahlen (Poem)
Proper;Naina Feby Joseph (Poem)
Seaglass Jenny MacDonald (Poem)
This Is How I Want To Remember It 
Ashley Naftule (Fiction)

Read the Waves / Stillness

Union Square, NYC Gordon Gilbert (Art)
Still Life, Michael Magee (Poem)
Phalanx Guy Biederman (Poem)
The Shadows are Engaged 
Kari Flickinger (Poem)
Return to Temperance State Park 
Micki Blenkush (Poem)
Impossible Blooms-October 2020
Lisa Lutwyche (Poem)
Tipping Point Guy Biederman (Poem)
Katisha Goddfrey Hammit (Poem)


Pixabay stock Images used in this issue:

Floating Bottle by Titti Fabritius
Wait, What? by Arek Socha
Palm Tree by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke
Ruined book Image by djkinney
Lady in the waves by Gerd Altmann
Beach Image by Free-Photos

And Announcing:

the Riddled with Arrows special issue
Editor’s Choice Award Winners
($25 Honorarium):

Guy Biederman: for his trio of poems 
Phalanx / Tipping Point / and
The Writing Laid Down Like Steps of Stone


Amanda Yskamp: for her visual art uncontained