Riddled with Arrows Issue 5.1:

Candy Hearts & Little Literary Love Notes


Special Issue


  All for you     dear Reader
1 dz. days of featured poetry, prose, and visual art fresh-picked from among our steadfast and evergreen RwA email subscribers. Check back daily for a new Little Love note reveal now through the end of February!


Editor’s Foreword: “Title Goes Here” by Shannon Connor Winward

Cover Art after Valentin Metzinger

Link to Contributor Bios
Our Contributors’ Choice Award winner will be announced in early March 2022.

Day 1.


O Muse
Valerie Nieman

Day 4.


Kate Kastelein

Day 7.


If Walt & Emily
Exchanged Valentines 
Pat Tompkins

Day 10.

Whenever I read
you I leave
a bookmark

Rhonda Eikamp


Two Hearts
 Harold Ackerman

Day 2.


Eyeliner Boy
Marie Vibbert

Day 5.


(I am Word)

Ellen Sander

Day 8.


he sends to
his lover

Claire Smith

Day 11.

Exhibit #02142619
Rebecca Buchanan
*Contributors’ Choice Award Winner*


Heart break
makes me Horny

Geoffrey A. Landis

Day 3.


Affordable Shakespeare
Guy Biederman


Day 6.


Odd Love Notes
Liam Hogan

Day 9.


A Light in
the Graveyard
Dr. Scary &
Mr. Gory

Day 12.

Do you have
a poem for me?
Amlanjyoti Goswami


by the light of
a lakeside lamp
Derek Kannemeyer